Pay Team
When running a business, you have to look for talent wherever it may be—whether in America, Asia, Europe, or even Africa. A distributed team means dealing with different payment methods during payroll. You have to register with various banks, pay fees—it’s time you could have used to build your company.
If that’s not enough, you incur high fees when performing these transactions, and your team might complain they didn’t get paid. And it’s not even your fault—it’s just that it was a bank holiday. 🤨
Shakesco offers a better solution. Deploy a smart contract to pay your team on a recurring basis.
Okay, that’s kinda nerdy.
Shakesco is offering something simpler. Open your Business Card account to pay your team, wherever they are in the world.
Even better, you don’t have to worry about different currencies or anything like that. Just use stablecoins (digital dollars) to send value.
It’s so easy to get started, you don’t even need to write code!
Let’s get started!!!